Lightweight, flexible hoses designed to support chemical transportation in the chemical industry.
Lightweight, flexible hoses designed to support chemical transportation in the chemical industry.
Hose recommended for the transfer of a wide variety of aromatic solvents (acids, bases, acetone, caustic soda, oxidant solutions, highly contaminated industrial waters, etc.). Lightweight product that is easy to handle.
Full-face end fittings available only up to pressure of 150PSI, above that, only integral nipples are available.
Hose used for the suction and discharge of a wide variety of aromatic solvents and lightweight chemical products (acids, bases, acetone, caustic soda, oxidant solutions, highly contaminated industrial waters, etc.).
Lightweight and highly flexible product.
Full-face end fittings available only up to pressure of 150PSI, above that, only integral nipples are available.